You will be using Android Recyclerview and Cardview, so you have to add these libraries inside the file.
In this tutorial we will be using the following:ġ- Open up Android Studio and create a new project and give it a name, in our case we’ve named it (SharePlace), choose API 16 as the minimum SDK, then choose a blank activity, click “Finish” and wait for Android Studio to build your project.Ģ- Open up adle (Module:app) file and add the following code. You will build an Android app that uses Recyclerview & Cardview to show a list of beach pictures, with 2 buttons that will allow you to share content and open a URL in a browser.īy the end of this tutorial, you will have an app that looks like this.
Hi and welcome to another tutorial from Codingdemos, today you will learn how to use Android share intent to share content from the app to other apps.